It was a harsh 47 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors in Los Angeles, but inside the venue, all anyone cared about was Soccer Mommy and Tops.
To the right of the venue’s entrance was a merch table consisting of large and extra-large t-shirts, as most shirts were sold on the tour dates before this one. Music fans in blue coats, brown blazers, black jackets, and other outerwear combinations stuck together in cliques. Some were scattered out in the halls, and others were inside enjoying Tops’ opening set. On stage, Tops’ vocalist Jane Penny enthralled the crowd with her sweet drawling voice, gyrating hips, and magnetic flute solo—a lively performance that perfectly set the mood for the artist up next.
After a short intermission, where the crowd spontaneously sang along to “Complicated” by Avril Lavigne as it played over the speakers, four figures dressed in black walked out from backstage. Sporting a sophisticated black dress and dark eyeliner, Sophia Regina Allison (a.k.a Soccer Mommy) approached her mic and began slowly strumming the melancholic riff from "Bones" on her guitar. What followed was an amazing performance by Allison and company, as they somehow interpolated pop bangers with heavy jam sections that placed Sophie’s guitar prowess at the forefront. It’s definitely a must-see live show.
Soccer Mommy and Tops are currently on tour. Tour dates below:
DEC 15, 2022
Lowbrow Palace
El Paso, TX
Support: TOPS
DEC 16, 2022
Emo's Austin
Austin, TX
Support: TOPS
DEC 17, 2022
House of Blues Dallas
Dallas, TX
Support: TOPS
FEB 17, 2023
The Triffid
Brisbane, Australia
FEB 18, 2023
The Croxton Bandroom
Melbourne, Australia
FEB 21, 2023
The Factory Theatre
Sydney, Australia
FEB 22, 2023
Fat Controller
Adelaide, Australia
FEB 23, 2023
Perth Festival
Perth, Australia
MAY 6, 2023
Shaky Knees Music Festival
Atlanta, GA
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